We sometimes talk about “making a living.” What is implied in that? Is it possible to be glad you have a job...
For many, work is drudgery. It puts the food on the table, but doesn’t satisfy the inner need for purpose in our...
When you look back on your workweek you probably notice that some aspects of your job are enjoyable, while others are just...
"It’s not what happens to you but what happens in you when something happens to you that matters." Special thanks to discovertheword.org...
It’s important to consider what the Scriptures say about work. There’s a lot of significance attached to what we do, and how...
Whether you work in the office, in the home, or through volunteer projects, we all have a job to do. A fresh...
"How can any one remain interested in a religion which seems to have no concern with nine-tenths of his life?" - Dorothy...
"I think that the great heresy of the Christian faith in the 21st century is that here people spend their time and...
It’s far more than just getting a paycheck. Whether you spend your work days in the church, an office, or at home, the responsibilities we carry out can and should glorify God. Special...