The first chapters of the bible reveal God's design for human work.
Scripture Mark 2:27-3:1-6 Then he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind...
Before the Fall, God placed Adam and Eve in the garden and invited them to work with him by tilling the soil...
Scripture Genesis 1:27-28 27 So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he...
Tom Nelson outlines a sermon on why work matters.
Although it is often difficult, work is not a curse, Tom Nelson explains in this introductory sermon.
Genesis 1:31-2:3 (NIV) God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was...
Sometimes work is exciting, engaging, and challenging. We make discoveries, help other people and build something worth...
Israel would see one another gathered and know that collectively they bore witness to the voice of God.
So far in the story of creation, everything God has made is good. But then we learn something surprising: "It is not good for the man to be alone." Thus God resolves to...
"God's simplicity reveals truth, while Satan's complexities hides lies," writes entrepreneur and author Kevin Cullis. Questions help us simplify--and ultimately, find our place in the Body of Christ.
Humanity was (and is) intended to extend the garden of God’s presence throughout the world.
Too many people think being ordinary is just another way to fail.
God promises us a Sabbath rest that meets our needs.
Give me the wisdom and humility each and every day to catch myself when my selfish desires for fame, fortune, or even comfort take over my chance as an ambitious steward.
You have created us in your image, and though we have rebelled against you and taken a very bad fall, you have not abandoned us in our brokenness.
Advent: a season of hope and expectation.
What is the job description of a person who is made in the image of God?
The first job in human history was that of groundskeeper. It was a role many would see today as dirty and inglorious. Yet, God filled it with meaning and worth.
Ash Wednesday is a day many Christians set aside as a special day. It is a day to remember our humanness and mortality. It is a day to begin the season of Lent...
Several years ago I saw Wicked on Broadway. I knew I would like it as I’ve always enjoyed all things Oz. But sitting in the dark theatre, the lights from the stage falling...
My friend sat across from me, twisting her hands in her lap. Our small group, made up of couples from our church, sat around us, discussing the heavy topic of living our lives...
The speed and amount of data coming at us on our computers, laptops, and cellphones, and soon through our glasses and watches, is startling.
The word “helper” often brings with it the connotation of a rather lowly place in our world. Whether it is a chef’s helper in a restaurant or mommy’s helper in the kitchen, being...
Below is my graphical representation of the Gospel. It is the four-chapter story of God’s working in history for the restoration of the cosmos that He created. ...
If you have children, you know that children are born very needy and self-focused. They don’t have the ability to see limits placed upon them, and when the hunger pains begin, they cry...
It’s always hard, returning to Eden. I cannot read these two primeval verses without being simply undone. In all the beauty and beguilement that was going on in this moment still fresh with...
God gave Noah a Herculean task: to build a giant boat, one much longer than a football field, and then to fill...
After the man and woman sin, their first instinct is to hide. They hide from each other and even from themselves (Gen 3:7). Then, as God comes to walk with them in the...
Though we tend to think of God creating the world in six days and then resting on the seventh, the Hebrew of Genesis 2:2 makes it clear that God finished his work by resting.
Dr. Paul Brand was a medical student in London during the devastating air blitz of World War II. Many young English pilots were badly injured as they bravely defended their homeland. ...
The story of work and its purpose unfolds in this commentary on the book of Genesis.
The book of Genesis is the foundation for the theology of work. Any discussion of work in biblical perspective eventually finds itself grounded on passages in this book. Genesis is incomparably significant for...
The first thing the Bible tells us is that God is a creator. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the...
Does work with "material", earthly things have value?
In Genesis, we see God's power displayed through his work, the work of creating the world.
God is the source of everything in creation.
There is no support in Genesis for the notion, which somehow entered Christian imagination, that the world is irredeemably evil and the...
It's not surprising that a relational God accomplishes work in relationship.
Why did God rest from work on the seventh day?
God lays the foundations for human work: dominion, relationships, fruitfulness, provision, and limits.
All creation displays God’s design, power, and goodness, but only human beings are said to be made in God’s image.
What does it really mean to exercise "dominion"?
Since God made us inherently relational, relationships are not just incidental to work; they are essential.
Why are we called to "be fruitful and multiply"?
God's power and provision helps us in our work.
God sets limits to our work. It's up to us to discern those limits and live within them.
God's original call to people to work occurred in Genesis.
Adam's and Eve’s decisions stretch all the way to the modern workplace.
Because of the fall, our work is even more important to God's plan for the world.
Genesis 4 details the first murder when Cain kills his brother Abel in a fit of angry jealousy. Both brothers bring the fruit of their work as offerings to God. Cain is a...
Once again on dry land with this new beginning, Noah's first act is to build an altar to the Lord (Gen. 8:20)...
After his heroic work on behalf of humanity, Noah falls into a troubling domestic incident. It begins—as so many domestic and workplace tragedies do—with substance abuse, in this case alcohol. (Add alcoholic beverage...
In what is called the Table of Nations, Genesis 10 traces first the descendants of Japheth (Gen. 10:2-5), then the descendants of...
In the opening chapters of the Bible, God creates the world and brings us forth to join him in further creativity. He creates us in his image to exercise dominion, to be fruitful...
Please click here to read our commentary on Genesis 12-50: Genesis 12-50 and Work
First of all, God’s mission is to inspire people to work with the materials he provides to bring forth new and good...
When it comes to answering the question, ‘Does our work matter to God?’ most churches say yes. But they give different answers...
Stewardship is the fulfillment of God’s mandate to fill the earth, subdue (or govern) it, work it, and care for it (Genesis...
God created a world with time and where human time is limited. By God’s creation, we have days, seasons, generations and lifetimes (Genesis 1, Psalm 104).[1] Further we need to be aware of...
Human beings are created to be social and to live in community, and we have a desire to be with other people. As God put it, “It is not good that the man...
Throughout the Old Testament, we see God at work through the actions of women.
Ezer in the Bible means helper.
While Genesis 1 and 2 show us how God intended human beings to be, Genesis 3 shows us what the man and woman chose to become. You probably know the story about a...
This is the place to mention another area where our pursuit of profit may lead us to ignore God’s intentions. The conflict...
Where did work come from? Who invented it? Or is it just a consequence of the Fall? Perhaps it was a punishment...
Corrupted computer files are a sad reality of digital technology. After working hard to craft a document, it can be devastating to...
What do you think of when you hear the word “rest”? Do you dream of quiet days in a deck chair on...
In the Christian world there’s a perception that we could be doing more for God if only we could free ourselves from...
This sunday school lesson teaches kids that God is a worker.
Classroom activities to teach kids that God is a worker.
Parents and Kids: Go on a God hunt!
This lesson teaches kids that God wants partners in his work, not robots to control.
Classroom activities to show kids what it means to partner with God.
This week we learned that human beings were made by God in his image. As human beings, we reflect who God is...
Many lawyers struggle with having a good work and life balance. Clients can be demanding and there can be strict deadlines that need to be met, which are usually urgent. Often this means...
While most people would recognise that lawyers play a unique role in society and they are respected, at the same time there are also a huge number of lawyer jokes. As well as...
Biblical and practical tips on maintaining a rhythm between work and rest.