Speaking out is important, but it’s not enough.
Whenever we place an agenda over the kingdom, we have lost our focus.
Teachers will be judged more strictly, writes James. His warning applies to parents, church leaders, pastors, mentors, supervisors, managers, and leaders of all kinds.
Groomed by my hard-working Dad, who awakened us early on Saturday mornings to “work while the day is light,” I fully embrace...
"I know how to give the most vicious, wicked cold shoulder and silent treatment." author Monica Sharman writes in a featured community...
How do we make plans while at the same time submitting to the attitude that says, "If it is God's will"?
We still seem to love a good crucifixion. Brothers and sisters, this should not be.
Winners can celebrate. But what about people who run the race, compete—and lose?
Heroic work can lead to burnout. Ryan Keith, founder and president of Forgotten Voices, had to discover sustainability the hard way.
My desire changes as I walk with Jesus, closer to his suffering and mercy. He is better. The reach toward this small patch of dirt has become my want.
The question "what do you do?" has now become completely out of vogue.
We hold on to work we aren't qualified to do for all kinds of reasons—pride, fear of appearing weak, denial—but it takes patience to find the work we are truly gifted at.
Not too long ago, I stood in my kitchen with four small faces gazing up at me, waiting for me to give...
Advent is waiting time, the season of making room for the coming King and the returning King. It is an embodied palindrome...
Recently, I was catching up with an old friend. We had attended the same church through high school. "I'm an atheist now,"...
When I think of suffering, I often think of Job.
Transcript Laura had one of “those" jobs: a workplace hostile to her faith. She had a boss who called Christians phonies. And coworkers who delighted in creating opportunities for her to turn the...
Gil's quick wit was the stuff of legend. The right crack at the right time? Gil had it. He was funny. No, he was hilarious. People shook their heads, amused and amazed.
An English teacher assigned her students a long essay. The writing project required several weeks and more research than most students had...
A man once asked Robert E. Lee for his opinion of a fellow officer. Lee spoke of the man in the highest terms. This greatly astonished another officer who overheard and said to...
Admiral Richard Byrd’s Antarctic polar expedition of 1939 and ‘40 had reached Sulzberger Bay—farther than any previous South Pole venture—when its small wooden ship, the U.S.S. Bear, became ice...
James, 1 and 2 Peter, 1, 2, and 3 John, and Jude address practical matters such as organizational leadership, hard work, fairness, good relationships, and effective communication.
The seven letters of James, 1 and 2 Peter, 1, 2, and 3 John, and Jude are often called the General (or Catholic) Epistles because they seem to speak to the Christian church...
James brings an action-oriented perspective to the principles that we can trust God to provide for us and that we must work for the benefit of others in need. If faith is real—if...
In speaking about wisdom, James begins to develop the principle that we can trust God to provide for us. “If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all...
James continues his practical guidance with words about listening. Christians need to listen well both to people (James 1:19) and to God...
This brings us to the second principle of faithful work—working for the benefit of others in need. “Be doers of the word...
James applies both of his underlying principles as a warning against favoritism toward the rich and powerful...
James takes up the topic of work in detail in the second part of chapter 2. When discussing work, he invariably uses the plural “works” (Greek erga) rather than the singular “work” (Greek...
James follows up his practical guidance about listening (see James 1:19–21) with similar advice about speaking. Here he employs some of the fiercest language in the book. “The tongue is a fire. The...
James 3:14–4:12 also employs the paired principles of dependence on God and service to others in need. As usual, James puts them...
Selfish Ambition Is the Impediment to Peacemaking (James 3:16–4:11) Selfish ambition is the opposite of serving the needs of others. The passage...
Although James uses the metaphor of adultery, he is talking about selfish ambition in general. In the workplace, one temptation is to...
James moves to a new application in giving a warning specifically about business forecasting.[1] Somewhat unusually, he focuses first on the principle...
David Hataj, CEO, Egerton Gear, Inc., on Non-Judgmental Corporate Culture Change I returned home after 8 years to assume leadership of my...
Peter now gives instructions for church leaders, termed “elders” (“presbyters” and “bishops” in the Anglicized Greek derivations used in many churches today)...
Does our earthly work matter to God? Darrell Cosden has given a resounding “yes” to that question. Central to his argument is...
The General Epistles begin with the twin principles that following Christ makes us able to trust God for our provision, and that...
Verse Theme James 2:15-16 If a brother or sister is naked and lacks daily food, and one of you says to them...
Decision-making is a relationship issue First and foremost, decision-making for the Christian is a relationship issue. Often the reason we have so many problems discerning God’s leading is that we just aren’t close...
Do you wonder if God has anything to say about your work? Explore key verses from each chapter of the Bible that...
What does disruption mean for the legal profession and our jobs/role/identity? Lucy is reading yet another article about “disruption” and how it...
The letters of the New Testament offer many examples of modern workplace dilemmas. These letters can come alive if students are taught to see their current-day application. Here are some of the issues...