How should we understand suffering and hardship in our work lives? The biblical book of Job gives...
My heart softens when I recall that Mrs. Job has suffered the same losses as her husband.
Transcript He was an immigrant’s kid from Omaha. And from the start, his life was show biz. Vaudeville...then the New York stage. But it took decades to land a Hollywood studio screen test...
Transcript For Craig, it wasn’t one of those days…it was one of those years: sales gone south, competitors circling, several employees leaving. Craig said, "I feel like Job!" That sent him to his...
This commentary on the book of Job delves into questions about suffering, prosperity and faith.
The book of Job explores the relationship between prosperity, adversity and faith in God. Do we have faith that God is the source of all good things? Then what does it mean if...
The author of Job is anonymous. Job does not seem to be an Israelite, because he is said to be from the land of Uz (Job 1:1), which most scholars suggest was to...
Most familiar to Bible readers as the righteous man who suffered unjustly, Job exemplifies the person who questions why good people suffer. Job’s faith in God is put to the extreme test, and...
At the beginning of the Book of Job we are introduced to an exceptionally prosperous farmer/rancher named Job. He is described as...
The problem of pain comes when times are hard. When we are passed over for promotion or lose a job, when we...
Job is able to endure overwhelming loss without compromising his “integrity” or blamelessness[1](Job 2:3). But Satan does not give up. Perhaps Job...
With Satan having done his worst, Job could really use some support. Job’s three friends enter the story and are depicted as...
There is nothing left for Job but to lament. He refuses to incriminate himself falsely, and he refuses to blame or abandon God. But he does not hesitate to express his anguish in...
Regrettably, Job’s friends are not able to endure the mystery of his suffering, so they jump to conclusions about its source. The...
Eventually, Job’s friends move from questioning what Job did wrong to questioning whether Job has abandoned God (Job 15:4, 20:5). Along the...
In contrast, Job has wisdom many Christians lack. He knows to direct his emotions at God rather than at himself or those...
We all know the demons that plague us after failure. We second-guess ourselves during sleepless nights of self-torment. It even feels like...
Like Job’s, our sufferings often begin with difficulties at work. But seldom are God’s people equipped — or even willing —to help...
Job chooses to remain faithful to God. He understands that God’s wisdom is beyond his understanding. Job 28 employs mining as an analogy for searching for wisdom. It reveals that wisdom “is not...
As noted in the introduction, Job 29-42 marks a second cycle of lamentation-discourse-revelation that recapitulates the first. For example, in Job 29 , Job’s recollection of the good old days brings us back...
The new emphases in Job’s second lament (Job 29-42) are nostalgia and self-justification. Job “longs for the days when God watched over...
In the midst of Job’s second lament (Job 29-42), he unveils a significant treatise on ethical behavior, which in some ways anticipates...
At this point, a young bystander named Elihu enters the discussion. His dialogue with Job parallels the discourse between Job and his friends in chapters 4-27. According to Elihu, the new element is...
In the book’s first cycle, Job’s friends’ speeches were halted by the revelation of God’s wisdom. The new element in the second cycle is that Elihu’s speech is interrupted by the dramatic appearance...
God’s first question to Job sets the tone of their mostly one-way conversation, “Where were you when I laid the foundation of...
God denounces the three friends whose arrogant proclamation of false wisdom had so tormented Job. In a satisfying and ironic twist, he...
The final section of Job contains a storybook ending in which many of Job’s fortunes are restored. Many, but not all. He...
Verse Theme Job 1:9-10 Then Satan answered the Lord, “Does Job fear God for nothing? Have you not put a fence around him and his house and all that he has, on every...
Wayne’s upstairs home office has a splendid vista looking out over trees to the hills beyond. And when he goes downstairs, the...
Do you wonder if God has anything to say about your work? Explore key verses from each chapter of the Bible that...