Has your pastor ever visited your workplace? Mentioned the kind of work you do in a sermon? Given you guidance on a...
"Let's not make church work into an idolatry. Church doesn't come first. God's will comes first." Everything we do is church...in the high calling of our daily work.
What are your expectations for your pastor? To what extent are your expectations shaped by the truth of Ephesians 4:11-12?
I hope that as a church we can demonstrate to young women the range of ways for them to express their God-given talents.
Can you imagine the spiritual awakening in store for those who truly believed an infinitely loving God was accomplishing His purposes through...
In Romans 12, the discussion of the church as the body of Christ emphasizes the way all parts of the body minister within the church. This passage reveals that every member is called...
Learn how churches around the world are equipping people to apply their Sunday faith to their weekday jobs.
First of all, God’s mission is to inspire people to work with the materials he provides to bring forth new and good...
An integrated understanding of work from a biblical perspective needs to include a clear sense of Christian vocation, or calling. As Christians...
Equipping churches see their people’s daily work as part of the church’s ministry. These churches have begun to ask, ‘Where are our...
Effectively equipping church members for daily life and work requires significant investments of money and staff time. This may mean reallocating resources...
This article has been produced by a mixture of pastors and marketplace people and homemakers. We are very aware that, even as...
Most churches have ministries to serve the communities around them, which often are called compassion, outreach or...
Another category of possible exceptions to the norm of truthtelling is when the person asking the questions has no right to the...
By Rev’d Dr. Kenneth J. Barnes, Dean of the Marketplace Institute, Ridley College, Melbourne, Australia In his collected papers entitled, Reflections on...