Stories of sexual harassment continue to get top billing in the news. It seems that each day another prominent man—a leader in government, entertainment, business, news, or whatever—resigns or is fired or is...
Text: Selected Proverbs 12:1, 13:4, 15:19, 19:5, 21:25, 24:30-34, 26:13-16 Dominant Thought: Though God has created our work to be good, it...
Earlier this year, we ran this newsletter about being a gracious Christian in a contentious election season. Today, the morning after the...
Never forget that your story does not begin with you. What begins with you is every new opportunity to answer.
Have you ever traveled on a plane? Air travel makes it possible, in a matter of a...
It’s a little hard to talk about Colossians 3 without stepping into hot water. We have a checkered past when it comes...
Can a Christian simply dedicate his or her life to loving God and loving neighbors, or does God demand us to be extraordinary?
Though we may have little opportunity to impact major structures of our society, we can touch our neighbors and colleagues. We can...
Psalm 72 is identified as a “psalm of Solomon” (72:1). This means either that it was composed by Solomon or in his honor. This psalm is a prayer for the king of Israel.
So many of our bloggers have clearly learned much from our hoofed, webbed, clawed, and four-legged friends.
First of all, God’s mission is to inspire people to work with the materials he provides to bring forth new and good...
Effectively equipping church members for daily life and work requires significant investments of money and staff time. This may mean reallocating resources...
These discussions about the legitimacy of some deception when another party has no right to know may...
People are created with a wide variety of skills, needs and desires. In the Bible, we see this in God’s creation in his endowment of people with a wide variety of skills to...
Humanity does not know everything, and individually each of us knows only a tiny fraction of what can be known. God created each of us with our own unique mind which takes in...
The question of prices raised two questions about finance as a form of love. First, can love be expressed in a market...
Ideally, market-rate finance is a blessing to both borrowers and lenders. This is similar to all kinds of commerce. Producing and selling...
Those who provide resources—lenders and savers—have a responsibility to invest their resources for the common, and not only for their own, gain. This perspective is sometimes called “socially responsible investing.” We will explore...