Jim wanted to run the other way when a friend urged him to go on a short-term mission trip to Cuba.
Do you want to share Christ in your workplace and/or marketplace? It may seem like a tricky proposition and perhaps a bit...
Help me, like Onesimus, to be useful to others. Let me serve my supervisor in a way that honors him and does...
What if we truly believed Jesus’ words about sharing the gospel with others?
Studies show that up to 90 percent of people in a given congregation who come to Christ as adults, do so because of a relationship with one or more Christians outside the four...
Christians of every era are called to be Christ’s ambassadors. An ambassador is a personal envoy sent from the head of a...
What does it look like to be Christ’s ambassador at work—to serve Christ at work and represent him there? While none of...
The first task of ambassadors of Christ in the workplace is to do our work with excellence—because our competence weighs in heavily...
Character is a second prerequisite for spiritual influence. Every human being is created in God’s image, and instinctively respects the character traits...
When competence and character combine they create trust that lends credibility to our words. When joined by godly concern for others, they...
Generally speaking, people need to trust the messenger before they will trust the message. But make no mistake—we do have a message...
As Christ’s ambassadors we are key players in the great drama of redemption. God in Christ is reconciling the world to himself...