Storytelling requires great care and integrity. We talk about telling stories with kindness, authenticity, and a love for God and others.
Sports are fun to watch and fun to play. (Except, perhaps, if you’re a Chicago Cubs fan. Until this year!) The Bible...
Doing your best work, no matter what field you are in, is pleasing to God.
How can we think about both the process and product of our work as Christians? Bonnie Wurzbacher thinks we can't ignore the...
A friend of mine had a flat tire and stopped at a country gas station. The attendant patched the tire and put it back on the car. And as the fellow tightened the...
I have very few regrets in life, but my earliest one is from tee-ball. I forgot to bring home the signup sheet to register for the tee-ball season. Somehow, at the tender age...
Sports are a gathering point for people, creating instant bonds.
Today, if you find yourself overwhelmed by uncertainties, take a timeout. Sit down with the Coach, review the plan in the play Book, and embrace the Good News again.
As we waited for the lights to dim for a showing of the latest Warren Miller ski film a couple sat down...
“What if I made chocolate the way it is supposed to be made? Rich. Healthy. Satisfying. And, better yet—uplifting."
This is one of those stories you don’t mind telling many, many years after it happened. One of those red-faced, life-lessons. ...
Transcript Some while ago, we were opening a large supermarket in Corpus Christi, which was the headquarters of our company at the time. And everything was going along well. Many people were coming...
Frank had a knack for updating dusty old systems. But when he changed departments, his new co-workers warned him about this leader’s unspoken motto: “We do it the way we’ve always done it.”...
The lithadora spangles and sparks blue. Along the homeowner’s driveway, a phalanx of golden bamboo bows and hushes. Some summers it crawls with tiny red mites and managing the escapees involves kneeling on...
My wife and I were enjoying a relaxing Sunday afternoon last weekend when the conversation turned to alternate universes. Other than watching...
How do you define excellence? Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., defined it by giving this example. He said that if a man...
Doing excellent work with a good attitude is the right thing to do, and it is an excellent way to let our...
May we "play skillfully" at work, in our communities, as we serve at church, in our families, and in every other facet...
Gene Bauer planted a garden of daffodils on a mountainside. Each spring that mountainside is awash in yellow. Visitors come to marvel at the beauty. And they come with questions. So Mrs. Bauer...
Integrity in the workplace should be an easy thing to define, right? We shouldn't steal paper clips or pencils. We shouldn't lie to our boss. We shouldn't show up late, leave before quitting...
True nobility knows no rank in the high calling of our daily work.
In 1973, Neal Jeffrey was the Baylor quarterback. The epitome of that season came in the TCU game. Trailing 34 to 7, Jeffrey rallied his team to within six points. The Bears had one play...
Surprisingly, vigorous competition helps, rather than harms, the competitors themselves. If Honda delivers more value to customers, that will force Ford to...
If finance is a means of care and love, doing finance through intermediaries raises a question. Can we love someone we do...
A remarkable connection between the book of Proverbs and the world of work occurs at the end of the book. Lady Wisdom...
The work of Christians in their faithfulness to God is intended for the good of everyone.
The parable of the two sons (Matt. 21:28-32) is about two brothers whose father tells them to go work in his vineyard...
The parable immediately following the parable of the wicked tenants (Matt. 21:33-41) takes place in a workplace, namely, a vineyard. However, Jesus...
In 2 Corinthians 5 Paul, who constantly faced situations that could result in his death, reminds the Corinthians that at the final...
Paul reminds the believers in Corinth that they had already signaled their intentions to participate in the collection for the churches in...
Paul's letters to the Thessalonians highlight that God expects Christians to work, and to work with excellence.