What would it mean to be an entrepreneur who is driven by faith? We talk with guest Henry Kaestner, a sucessful serial...
A wise worker, according to Proverbs, is trustworthy, diligent, shrewd, and generous.
Particular OT books and passages that faculty identified as helpful with work.
5 ways to show strength at work demonstrated by the mighty woman of Proverbs 31.
Small business owners tend to be loners and self-reliant. However, that attitude can get them into trouble and keep them from growing. Albert Black of On Target Supply & Logistics decided he needed...
Bob Sakata is one of America’s biggest vegetable growers. His farm in Brighton, Colorado, produces corn, onions, and sugarbeets. In 1999, he was inducted into the Agriculture Hall of Fame. This video was...
If you don’t have fear, you can’t have wisdom. It is that simple.
Rather than let my employment challenges drag me down, I’ve decided to take back the workplace for God’s glory, and I’m doing...
I cannot leave Ephesians 5:15-16 without sharing a bit of Gandalfian wisdom (or, if you prefer, wisdom from J. R. R. Tolkien...
Life doesn't card you at the door. If you have a dream, your age is the best age.
We live in a culture that tends to value youth, energy, and new ideas. There's not necessarily anything wrong with this, provided...
At the end of the Sermon on the Mount, we are told, “Now when Jesus had finished...
Katherine Leary Alsdorf is co-author with Timothy Keller of Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work (Dutton, 2012). She came...
The New Living Translation of Psalm 90:12 reads, “Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.” This captures the meaning of the original Hebrew, though not its poetic...
Paul Abbott takes Matthew 6:33 to heart as he fulfills his calling to be a Christian businessman: “Seek ye first the kingdom...
I know so little about power. I have it—as all of us do—and I use it, but it often feels like I...
Why do we try so hard to maintain that which naturally recedes as the years pass?
Psalm 90 is a perfect psalm for the end of the year. For one thing, this psalm includes the word "year" more...
Today's passage reveals that God has "made known to us the mystery of his will." He did this willingly, with delight. This mystery is focused in Christ, just like the rest of God's...
We are part of the Church at work in the lives of Christians on a daily basis. Together we share our stories...
Educating the laity about their role in the Church has been an emphasis of Howard Butt for more than sixty years.
The story of Joseph has many insights that apply to work today.
We are meant to work diligently and wisely to the degree we are able. Dependence on God is an attitude towards human...
We may be familiar with the real women and real situations of the Old Testament. But the Bible also calls us to...
We met Lady Wisdom in the opening chapters of the book of Proverbs. We also find her in the closing verses of...
Upon succeeding David as king, Solomon faces the vastness of his duties (1 Kings 3:5-15). He is acutely aware that he is...
Job chooses to remain faithful to God. He understands that God’s wisdom is beyond his understanding. Job 28 employs mining as an analogy for searching for wisdom. It reveals that wisdom “is not...
God’s first question to Job sets the tone of their mostly one-way conversation, “Where were you when I laid the foundation of...
Click here to go to a table of verses included in this article, with links to the sections in which they are discussed. Throughout the ancient near east, rulers often commissioned sages to...
Awe of God Informs the Heart (Click to watch) Ken Duncan lives in awe of God. You can see it on his...
The proverbs do not stop with commending generosity but go further to claim that caring for the poor is a matter of...
Perhaps it is good to seek an object outside of work itself, but a higher objective is needed than pleasure. So the teacher reports, “I turned to consider wisdom and madness and folly”...
In speaking about wisdom, James begins to develop the principle that we can trust God to provide for us. “If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all...