
Another Story You’ll Never Hear

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
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Writer and professor J. Schaap keeps intriguing me with his love of New Mexico and his respect and love for native American people. Now he's telling small stories that never get told. Small stories of heroes who were faithful to their callings in small ways. Sometimes I wonder how surprised we would be if God ever let us know who the real spiritual heroes are. With great respect for well-known ministers and well-known saints, I sometimes wonder if the roll was called above, would the first names called be women who watched children, servants of Christ who fed the hungry, and teen-agers who braved the scorn of their peers to show love to one of those kids that everyone laughs at. There are a lot of untold stories out there. Many of them are wonderful. Here's another one.

When she was in her nineties, she wrote her children weekly while her son and daughgter-in-law were on a sojourn in Egypt. In those letters, she let slip some sinful envy about their being in such exotic climes, reminding them of her own brief stay, seven long decades earlier in China, where she and her husband had planned to be missionaries. When marauding warlords made life impossible for foreigners, the two of them had to return to America, what they'd seen most heartfully as their calling, thwarted by powers I'm sure they relegated to none other than Satan himself.... Read More.