
Community Post: Butter Knives in the Final Frontier

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
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Tod Bolsinger says, "In Dad’s hands a simple kitchen instrument that just that morning had been instrumental in making PB & J sandwiches for school lunches, becomes, at once, a screwdriver, a paint scraper, a pry bar, a file, a lever and even a small hammer . . . When I was growing up, if some small home repair was needed, more often than not he wouldn’t turn to the big tool chest in the garage, he would just summon me to go to the silverware drawer and bring him a butter knife."

In a thought-provoking post, Bolsinger blogs about his frustration at a disappointing--but not unexpected--refusal by church hierarchy to re-imagine the future. He writes about Presbyterians, but his words are completely applicable across denominational--and vocational--lines.

He notes: "...In this changing world, the leaders of the future will not be overwhelmed by either present or past, but will excitedly, 'imagine alternative structures and love to play around with them to see what new things they can create' . . . like the Houston engineers in the film Apollo 13, who had to make a new air filter with only some small parts . . . the leaders of the future will need to be creative, persistent, resilient and able to make the future out of the parts and pieces of what we've got."

Read more.

Post by Dena Dyer. Image by Christian Jones. Used by permission.