
As Our Savior Christ Has Taught Us

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
Postimage 075

as our savior christ has taught us we are bold to say

creator of all that is
wherever however whoever you are
assuming words like where how and who even apply
and they probably do not

how holy must your real name be
how delightful we do not know it
how certain we would fight over it if we did

we try to imagine your will and your way on earth
as in the heavenly places
such a state is beyond our thinking
so deep is our sin
we are bold to ask for it nonetheless

give us today what we need for today
as you have every day of our lives
give us the faith to live so fully in the present
that we see and give thanks for your good provision
even as we receive it

forgive the constant transgressions so embedded in our souls
even our best efforts and holiest moments are tainted
may the knowledge of our sin bring such grace to us
that our forgiveness of others makes them think of you

if it be your will lead us today away from what tempts us
if it be your desire that we are cast into the wilderness
like christ
then find us faithful even in those dark places
and deliver us from the evil therein

in you is our birthing and living and dying
through you is our knowing and loving and losing
from you is our salvation and our hope
now and even unto the end of the ages

as it has been said
so let it be lived

Image by Ken Yuel. Used with permission via Flickr.
Post by Gordon Atkinson.