
A Riot in Sunday School

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
Stub leadership grass

God owns all parts of life, all parts of reality. He’s not confined to the church. He owns the culture, government, the economic system, everything. We all nod and say that’s true. It’s easy to say. How it plays out in our day-today reality is another thing altogether.

One of our church pastors asked me to teach an adult Sunday School class. Things went fine for a while. And then we came to the subject of work.

The work that each of us do is important and matters to God, I said, "Because it all matters, because all work is important." In God’s eyes no one kind of work is superior to another. No one kind is “holier” than another.

If God is indeed sovereign, then he’s sovereign over everything. Including what we do outside the church, to include the kind of work we do. It’s not only the missionaries and pastors who have “spiritual” jobs. The fact is, we all do.

Read the whole post, A Riot In Sunday School at Faith, Fiction and Friends.

Post by Newsletter Editor David Rupert. Image credits to be found in the accompanying gallery