
Community Post: It’s Just Not the Same

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
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Let's face it: change is difficult. Few of us relish the idea of being thrust into brand-new situations, relationships, or jobs. Yet change is as constant as death and taxes. So God must have something to teach us when we experience it, right?

Jason Scott writes about the disciples (post-Ascension) and their mandate to take Jesus' work and continue it in His absence: "These guys had lived in the incredible experience of living with, watching, and relating closely to Jesus. Their lives were changed in every way, but then Jesus was gone. He had given them instructions, but how could they live up to that? How could they keep the momentum that Jesus provided?"

We can learn a lot from these early Jesus-followers. Instead of sitting around and talking about the "good old days" when Jesus was with them, they ministered through the power of the Holy Spirit--and spread Jesus' message with zeal. Like the disciples, we too must move in faith and not give in to fear of the unknown. Only then can we consistently and obediently fulfill God's calling on our lives.

Scott writes, "They had to trust Him enough to move forward, but they weren’t alone. You may feel called to start a business; you may be a songwriter, a mentor, writer, or an educator. The world is full of gifts that God has given, but we have to step out and give God an opportunity to work with us."

Read more here.

Post by Dena Dyer. Photo by Marcus Goodyear. Used by permission.