Community Post: Lost in Transition
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
EDITOR’S NOTE: This week at The High Calling, we’re focusing on transitions in the workplace, home, and community. Here on the Community page, several members of our diverse writing network offer their unique insights on the topic.
I've recently gone through an unwanted transition, and there are a few things I've learned (and am still learning). God has me in a difficult season, and it's one I did not choose. However, I'm trying to learn these lessons with grace and gratefulness :
Cling to God's Character
While it is okay to question our circumstances and what God may be doing, it's important to continue to believe in God's character and nature. When we start to question basic truths about God (His love, mercy, and sovereignty), we run into trouble. If we doubt God's love or the fact that He is ultimately in control and wants good things for His children, our faith starts waning and we can easily lose our way.
If, however, we trust in the goodness of God and know that He's in control, it gives us an anchor to hold onto and a foundation to build on, regardless of our circumstance. Our situation can change drastically (see the story of Job), yet, like Job, we can fall down on the ground and worship God for who He is.
Connect in Community
One of the things that has helped me the most was being honest with a group of guys I meet with regularly. They helped me see that it was okay to be disappointed while encouraging me to be thankful for my blessings: my wife and I were still able to pay our bills; I had a new job before my other one ended and was able to transition smoothly; I didn't have to job hunt long (that's a huge blessing in itself); and my new position is totally low stress.
My tendency is to seek solitude and disconnect from others when I am stressed. I know that I need others, but as an introvert, it's hard to admit that community is necessary. I'm thankful for the men who've helped me through this season, and I encourage anyone going through a transition (whether chosen or not) to commit to a group of people who can support and encourage you.
Commit to Growth
Patience. Gratefulness. Obedience. These are all things that God can cultivate in us during difficult times. The attitude that we have extends to everyone around us. It's hard not to be frustrated when life throws you a curve; however, resting in God can help ease the difficulties of the transition.
Is it possible to be grateful amid disappointment? I believe it is. Several months ago, I had to move from a job I felt God opened up for me to one that I felt “forced” into. I enjoyed my previous job, but because of a lack of funding, my position was cut. The job I took was almost a step down, or at best a lateral move. I had to learn to be thankful in my new circumstance, and it wasn't easy. I struggled with my attitude for several months. I've since learned to enjoy my new job and the people that I work with; however, there are days I still question what God is up to. I don't doubt God's character, but I have questions about what He is doing and what purpose this circumstance serves.
We may go through situations beyond our control, and seemingly beyond our strength. (It's un-Biblical to believe that God only allows situations He thinks we can handle). Unfortunately, God never promises understanding. Some life circumstances will leave us scratching our heads or hanging them in disbelief. We may want to know the answer to the question, “Why?” but God might not choose to give it. Faith means accepting that God is good and He is sovereign, whether we receive answers or not.