Do You Think I’m Insecure?
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
"We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ." (2 Cor. 10:5, MSG)
I usually feel pretty good about myself when I wake up—for the five minutes I refrain from looking in the mirror. That's when the voices start: "Your thighs have more dimples than a Shirley Temple look-a-like convention!" they say, or "What kind of '80s-wannabe haircut is that?"
Then I take my sons to school and notice that the work-outside-the-home moms look all coiffed and stylish. The voices deride my home-office wardrobe of jeans and T-shirts.
At the grocery store, I stand in front of the dairy items and hear the little demons again: "You should be buying organic—it's healthier." In the household cleaners' aisle, they hiss, "When was the last time you dusted?" And when the checker asks me, "Paper or plastic?" my heart sinks because I hear, "You really should recycle. Are you lazy or do you just not care that you're wrecking the planet?"
By the time I reach my house, I'm already defeated, and it's only 9:30 a.m.
The Author of Insecurity
Insecurity is the devil's battleground. His weapons attack from every side and usually leave a wound. It's a constant war to not let self-doubt run away with my emotions—and my peace.
If my hunch is right, a lack of security is epidemic among moms. And, let's face it: women have plenty to be concerned about: our figures, our finances, our future, and our families—just to name a few. Recently, after making an impulse purchase at the checkout line, I noticed the headline on the women's magazine I had brought home: "Eat right, get fit, get organized, and relax."
Who are they kidding?! Relax while trying to keep it all together? It makes me tired just thinking about it.
Maybe you relate.
So let's go on the offensive in this war against our thoughts and emotions. After all, Jesus died so that you and I could be free from the things that hold us back, including insecurity.
Finding Security in Christ
First, we're going to stop letting the world's standards rule our minds. With God's help, we'll tune into his word more often than we tune into our favorite TV shows. As Romans 12:2 says, "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is" (NLT).
Second, we're going to quit comparing ourselves to other people. The truth is, they're probably as unsure about themselves as we are. And God wants us to be secure in God, not in the standards of our culture. With God's help, we will set our mind on the things above, not on earthly things. (Col. 3:2)
Third, when we feel paralyzed by insecurity, we'll ask ourselves, just what is the real truth here? Is the voice that's talking to us loving and merciful, even when it's correcting us? If not, we'll know it's not God's.
The truth is: if you and I are raising our children and serving our communities in love, prayerfully resting in and obeying God daily, then God is pleased. As for our bodies, God wants us to be healthy and to take care of ourselves, but I truly believe he couldn't care less how big our thighs are. It's mostly genetics, anyway!
And you know what else? I'm betting that since Jesus was a carpenter, he doesn't mind a little dust.
Questions for Reflection or Study:
- Do you struggle with insecurity? What do your ugly "voices" say?
- At work or in your community, have you compared yourself to others? What was the result?
- What are some verses you can meditate on or memorize in order to battle insecurity?
- For more, read an article about "Abundance Vs. Insecurity" or about "Spiritual Connections with Leadership"