The Good Life
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
In the early 80's, my wife and I became rather hooked on British sit-coms, which were shown on PBS back in those days before we had cable or DVD. One of our favorites was called "Good Neighbors ," which had been called "The Good Life" when it originally aired in Great Britain.
In the series, Tom Good and his wife Barbara attempt to leave their jobs and be completely self sufficient, growing their own food and raising animals on their suburban property. This puts them quite at odds with their somewhat stuffy and social neighbors. Hilarity ensues, of course.
The television show goes too far for any practical concern, certainly. But there has always been something about that idea that has appealed to me. But I've never tried to live that way because it seemed like too radical a move for me to make. However, I've discovered a blog by a minister and his wife, Chuck and Debbie Warnock, who live in Virginia and are on a quest to live life simply and carefully and mostly by doing things for themselves. They seem delightful and delightfully happy with their life.
I admit I'm a little jealous. But I recommend their blog, Eden's Bridge to you. Fascinating stuff. And if you simply want to learn ways to save money, this is a good blog to check out.
Eden's Path