
The High Calling of Advertising

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
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Marcus here. Happy Fourth of July! I really shouldn't be posting today, but I couldn't resist linking to this great interview on Sam Van Eman's blog New Breed of Advertisers. Especially since the interviewee, Scott K. Powell is a professor of marketing and addresses the question we posed earlier in the week on How Are You Dealing with the Cost of Groceries? (That's not Dr. Powell there in the picture, it's a link to an ad that he says fits the bill for having a high calling.) Dr. Powell really understands what it means to live out the high calling of our daily work. In one answer he says,

Every profession (even pastoral ministry) is subject to misuse, and advertising certainly has its share of questionable practitioners. Much of the advertising with which we are bombarded is inappropriate in terms of product, presentation or both. While I am a critic of advertising’s excesses (e.g., appealing to base instincts, encouraging materialism), it is my personal and professional opinion that there are many legitimate uses of advertising. Read More.

He's talking about much more than just business ethics of marketing, I think. He's talking about how ads can be a service to our neighbors--and maybe even an act of love toward God. (I'm thinking of the two greatest commandments here.) Head over to Sam's blog New Breed of Advertisers and read the whole thing. It's great.