How to Bring Work Home Without Guilt
Blog / Produced by The High CallingI must admit it, there’s no way to separate work from home. It’s inevitable that my job invades my family life. Given the nature of the 24-hour news cycle, the round-the-clock operational focus and personnel issues, the phone can ring at any time. There’s no stopping the inevitable.
And sometime I have to bring projects home. We haven’t hired in some time, but the work continues to mount. The projects must be finished and the clock seems to run forwards at double speed on some days. With a due date of tomorrow and the sun setting, I have a choice -- either stay at work and finish, or come home, get a bite to eat and then work into the evening.
I’m not alone. Industries across the country have slashed the number of people employed and are expecting more out of their employees.
Mike St. Pierre, who blogs at The Daily Saint, has an interesting series of posts and podcasts surrounding how to work from home without guilt. He has some great suggestions to keep things in balance. Find them here.
Post by Newsletter Editor David Rupert.