How to Find Meaningful Work
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
“More and more people want a job that gives more than just a paycheck,” writes Ariel Schwartz at FastCoexist. “A new breed of organizations are helping to connect workers with jobs that make a difference as well as a salary,”
The phenomenon has employees eschewing retirement packages and higher salary for companies with more altruistic benefits like earth-friendly workplaces and community-benefiting outreaches.
“Jobseekers today want a position that makes them feel good inside,” said Schwartz.
Here at The High Calling we believe we were made by God to participate in meaningful work. If we mistakenly reduce work to an exchange of services for pay, we’ll feel hollow and unfulfilled.
Read the whole article here.
Post by Newsletter Editor David Rupert. Image credits to be found in the accompanying gallery.