
How to Take a Break

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
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I’ve been burning both ends of the wick the lately. And I’m ready for either:

1. A breakdown
2. A hissy fit
3. A genuine break

Work has been a nonstop parade of crisis-induced panic. Between communication work for my company regarding the Colorado Floods, visiting dignitaries, and settling community squabbles, I’ve been at full bore for some time.

And even in my home life I’ve been squeezing in overnights to one destination or another, determined to see it all – the last car race of the season, or the changing colors, or a fishing trip on the cool river.

But High Calling blogger Diane Paddison reminds us that “although God made us to work, He also made us to rest.”

I have work down, and I presume you do too. Plan, task, output, result. That’s the cycle.

“That first part I’m good at,” admits Diane. “The second is a bit more challenging for me.”

She writes at How to Take a Break, “Breaks from work help us maintain our health, sanity, and relationships, and they make us better at our jobs. What’s more, God ordained rest.”

She gives four practical ways to really take a break.

  1. Timing- Pick a time when you have no major events already planned.
  2. Lay the Groundwork – Warn everyone on your team far in advance that you are taking a break.
  3. Communicate – Let everyone know of your availability and how you will handle emergencies.
  4. Set and abide by healthy boundaries -- Personally commit to step away from work. And don’t break your rules.

Ready her whole post at 4Word for Women.