How Your Work Can Help Build Community
Blog / Produced by The High CallingIf you are employed full-time, you are at work around 300 days a year. That’s plenty of opportunity to make a meaninful impact. Larry Peabody of Called Into Work calls it our “long-term mission” to make a difference.
He says that we were created in Christ to do good works. Those works are to:
Commune with God – Don’t forget about God in the every day, seeking His direction through constant prayer and supplication.
Build Community – Demonstrate your love for workplace neighbors by acts of service and sacrifice.
Steward the Earth – Seek to provide essential services and distribute products and services essential for healthy living of God’s creation..
“If you’re a Christian, God has called you to take part in his long-term mission that includes your daily work,” Peabody writes. “Remember who you are: God’s workmanship.”
Read his full post here:
Post by Newsletter Editor David Rupert. Image credits to be found in the accompanying gallery.