
If It Ain’t Completely Broke, Fix It

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
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Dripping. It’s an unpleasant sight when it comes to cars. With every ounce of mysterious fluid splattering on the ground, we wince at the potential cost of the unknown problem. A pop of the hood may reveal answers – depending on familiarity with engineering and mechanics – but the trickle appearing in our parking spot still means money. In November it was my radiator that decided to shed its green tears. Not harmless windshield washer fluid, but a bigger issue for my 1987 Chevy Celebrity. And now I had a stewardship decision to make.

This 160,000-mile, six-cylinder, antique wonder is a flashback to the era of big hair and stir-up pantaloons. Despite its lack of cup holders (a great disadvantage for savvy coffee drinkers like me), cruise control, and a half-decent radio that didn’t require me to pound the dash with my hand to hear anything past 100.6, I enjoy the spacious trunk, classy appearance, bragging rights, and the infamous middle front seat with a lap belt. In short, I love my car. I know what you’re thinking, and no, it’s not for sale! But would this repair be the end of our relationship? After my inconvenient discovery of fluid, I promptly called a life-long mechanic extraordinaire: my father. I have yet to find an issue that stumps this man’s know-how under the hood. I described the situation, and lo and behold he had a possible fix: AlumaSeal Stop Leak. Open, pour and hope for the best.

Though I’m waiting to see if Stop Leak holds true to its name, I enjoyed the actual process of discovery, problem solving and repair. There’s something inherently good about caring for an item (even if it is just a year younger than me and three or four times older than everything else on the road). There is value in our role as stewards of yards, office assignments, recyclable waste, relationships and, yes, even our little vroom-vrooms. Popping the hood, getting (a little) dirty, and working to solve a problem wasn’t intimidating but actually exciting. It invited me to embark on a new adventure as Steward of the Chevy Celebrity. I encourage you to go on a date with your car. Check the fluids and take it through the wash. Listen to NPR’s Car Talk for tips and laughs, and then enjoy the purr of thanks as you cruise the open road.


1. How do these situations prime us to become stewards of all people, places and things? 2. In a consumer culture, it’s typically easier to replace than to repair. How does this default practice conflict with biblical principles? Or does it? 3. Where can you grow in your stewardship this week? Tell me your new title if you have one: “Steward of the ______________.”

Post written by Lindsay Kate. Photo by Claire Burge. Used with permission.