Kentucky Doctor Joins Movement to Restore the Sabbath
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
I'm sick of the constant "ding" of Facebook messages, tweets, and emails. My shoulders ache from the tension of trying to fit too much into an already-packed schedule. And my head hurts from trying to remember all the people who need something from me.
What about you? Are you tired of 24/7 restaurants, instant messaging, and the strain of trying to pack one more thing into a week full of obligations? If so, you're not alone...and our numbers are growing.
Peter Smith of the Courier-Journal reports that Dr. Matthew Sleeth, a former emergency room physician, is encouraging stressed-out folks to consider an ancient principle: keeping the Sabbath. Sleeth is the founder of the Christian ministry "Blessed Earth" and the author of several books, including the new release, 24/6: The Presciption for a Happier, Healthier Life.
The biblical Sabbath God commanded his children to take in the Ten Commandments included "not just work-free days, but also allowing pastures to rest and not harvesting a field completely, leaving gleanings for the poor and hedgerows as a sanctuary for wildlife," says Sleeth.
Read the rest of the article here.
Post by Dena Dyer. Image by Genevieve Thul. Used by permission.