Leadership Insights From a Firefighter
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
My father was a volunteer fireman when I was a boy, and I have vivid memories of his responding to emergencies when the signal sounded. Following in my dad’s firefighting boots, I became a volunteer firefighter in my late 40s. Little did I realize how much I would learn about church leadership by serving with that team of first responders. Here are just a few of those insights.
1. Firefighters recognize the urgency of their role. He must be focused on the task at hand, for a distracted firefighter is a dangerous one.
2. Firefighters understand the value of teamwork -- They are trained to watch each other’s back, seldom if ever facing a raging fire alone.
3. Firefighters are well trained. Firefighters are required to complete training that includes book knowledge and practical training.
4. Firefighters love what they do. Firefighters love the exhilaration of tackling and defeating a fire.
5. Firefighters serve proactively. They cast vision and build teams. They proactively make disciples.
Read this whole post at Thom Ranier’s blog.
Post by Newsletter Editor David Rupert. Image credits to be found in the accompanying gallery.