LET’S ROLL: Risk Taking—For Life!
Blog / Produced by The High CallingThose who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake and the gospel, will save it. (Luke 9:24)
Todd Beamer's last recorded words, "Let's Roll," have become a rallying cry for those willing to take risks, huge personal risks, for the sake of a higher calling: God's call to love, to truth, to justice, to venturing with Christ.
On September 11 on Flight 93, Todd Beamer laid down his life and spared hundreds, perhaps thousands, from a terrorist attack. God calls each of us to venture forth into the journey of life with and for the living, ruling Christ—in friendship, obedience and trust. Such a life is risky; it takes courage. Yet our risk-taking, even laying down our lives, is not a leap into a bottomless pit, but into the loving, secure arms of the Savior: " . . . keeping our eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race." (Hebrews 12:2) It is a leap of faith into the Great Adventure.
What a venture! "Let's Roll!"
Lord, I want to join you in the Great Adventure: your purpose, your mission. Grant me the courage to take that risk into life—to be like Abraham who left the safe and secure to travel to a new and unknown land, to a new venture. Strengthen my trust in you, keep my eyes on you, risen, living, loving, life-giving Lord.