Margo Engberg: Creating Cupcakes and Community
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
This video comes courtesy of our friends over at Centered, a site focused on faith, work and leadership.
Margo Engberg is the mother of four adopted children from Guatemala and the founder of Pinkabella Cupcakes, a gourmet cupcake boutique. Since founding PinkaBella six years ago, Margo has donated over $500,000 and 500,000 cupcakes through her business to support the local community. She defines success in more than just financial terms:
"I feel success is about the culture you create and not all about the money you make. I’m trying to create a culture that gives back – a culture of people who live a life of service, community, caring, and simply showing people Christ’s love. It’s not easy to build a community like this. You do a lot of planting and growing, but you also need to do a lot of weeding. Sometimes you’ll find people who might be a really good worker, but if they create a bad environment, that’s a problem. My greatest challenge is finding the right people who can work together and who see value in giving, serving, and community. Pinkabella is not a church. We’re a retail store which means not everyone you come in contact with will know Jesus, but you can still create an environment or culture based on love and the timeless principles He teaches."
You can find the full interview with Margo, including her responses to questions on balancing family and entrepreneurship, finding purpose, and defining success at work, over on