
Puddles, Fizz and Bubbles

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puddle L.L. here for Random Acts of Poetry. Lifting poems from the comment box (a pastime I’ve been known to indulge before). This seemed like the perfect thing to do, since next week’s prompt encourages us to find poems in the ordinary things people say. Of course I’ve taken liberties with your words. Dropped some. Added others. Nipped phrases, rerolled them as lines and frosted them with a title. You’ve forgiven me for such rollicky behavior in the past, so I’m trusting you’ll forgive me again, and maybe even grant a smile. Ann’s comment on I Collect Words “Compliment” This poem fizzes and sparkles, carbonated words bubbling up good things... I like it! LL’s comment on Deb’s Infuse and Coddle and Fill "The Call" They burst from bedrooms, bathrooms, where wafts of rosemary onion basil cinnamon vanilla or banana greet their rising... nAncY’s comment on I Collect Words “Strategy” i think i will start with a wordpuddle and work my way up. Erica’s comment on I Collect Words “Pool” Pour in words, watch them splash and sparkle in the sun, stir them around to get the temperature just right...and dive in! If you would like to participate in Random Acts of Poetry, read here for instructions. All RAP Participants: Stacy’s series of poems Jennifer’s Words Have Wings Yvette’s One nAncY’s Words Everywhere and poem from the wordpuddle Marcus’s The Problem with Grace Brian’s I am Sunrise Sister’s, poem in the comment section Liz’s Finished Monica’s Past Mount Carmel Nosedive Ann’s What’s the Dream? A Simple Country Girl’s Perched There Diane’s Hold Out Until the Honeymoon LL's Apology Sara's Stories Claire's Giddy and Song of Stifle Erica's RAP: Part Deux, Blue Sky, and Wordpool Laura's A New Beginning Deb's Collect Photo by nAncY. Used with permission. Post written by L.L. Barkat.

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