
Pursuing God at Work: January 24 Newsletter

Newsletter / Produced by The High Calling
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What does it mean to pursue God at work? Many people live fragmented lives, seeing some parts as sacred and others secular. What would happen if we pursued God in every aspect of who we are at work, at home, as well as in church?

The Changing Chase

From The High Calling

Pursuing God isn’t as loud or as grand as I once thought it had to be. In quiet moments of grace I find God more intertwined in my daily life than ever before.

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How God Pulls Us to Himself

From The High Calling

We need to immerse ourselves in rituals, rhythms and practices whereby the love of God seeps into our very character— becomes who we are.

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Bridging the Sacred-Secular Divide

From the Theology of Work Project

Nehemiah built walls; Ezra built a temple. Both did sacred work.

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