Reading Books that Help Integrate Faith, Vocation, and Life
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
The up-and-coming generation of believers has a deep-seated need to be authentic. They want their faith to have integrity across all aspects of their lives. Ultimately, they want to do things that matter.
Byron Borger, a bookseller at Hearts & Minds Books in Dallastown, PA, is seeing an increased interest in books that address this trend and give some traction to the nuts and bolts of living out your faith, especially in the marketplace.
His Hearts & Minds blog is interesting and intriguing. “Many young adults are interesting in relating faith and career, that the integration of spirituality and daily discipleship is essential in their way of doing faith,” he writes.
Byron has long been passionate about vocation and calling and promotes books that share his passion.
“Reading deeply and well allows us to be shaped into the character and ways of Christ and thinking seriously about how His upside Kingdom informs how we go about our daily living is one way to prepare for the proper use of power,” he writes.
Now, books cannot change the world by themselves, but they can inspire and motivate.
“We want to raise up a savvy group of leaders, but they must be servant leaders. Reading books like we suggest, I think, can help prepare us for this task."
Byron Borger highlights a number of books that interest us here at the High Calling For example, You Lost Me by David Kinnaman “documents... a lack of intentional theological conversation about work, art, and science,” according to Borger. “It reminds of us of the importance of thinking creatively about our lives in the marketplace.”
"A faith that isn't robustly involved or connected to our own deepest callings and passions and work-a-day hours spent at the job-site, will increasingly be a marginal faith," says Borger.
Read the whole post here. You’ll find some great book recommendations, and I would encourage you to consider buying them through his store link to support his vision.
He also has an entire list of books on vocation and calling.
Post by Newsletter Editor David Rupert. Image credits to be found in the accompanying gallery.