Rick Warren Encourages Work Because It’s God’s Design
Blog / Produced by The High CallingSaddleback Church pastor and author Rick Warren preached a series of sermons last fall on work, called "Doing Business With God."
He postulated that work won't necessarily stop once we enter heaven. Rather, it will continue, because working is something God "wired" into human beings and will continue into eternity. The best news is that the work will be righteous. It won't be frustrating or demeaning. We won't have bad bosses or problems that are too difficult to solve.
According to statistics provided by Warren, an average person will spend approximately 40 percent of life working. That's about 150,000 hours!
He addresses both those who don't want to work because of sloth and those who don't need to labor because of their financial status.
"God did not put you on this earth to do nothing with your life, just to live for yourself a life of pleasure. You should find some kind of work that expresses who you are and that you enjoy doing and that keeps making a contribution. If you're alive you can make some kind of contribution to this world," he said.
Read a summary of the series over at The Christian Post and listen to it here.
Post by Newsletter Editor David Rupert. Image credits to be found in the accompanying gallery.