The Right Vocation, but the Wrong Shoes
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
Around here we talk about God’s gifts and encouraging his children to use them. The High Calling mission is all about encouraging you to live out their faith, in all its fullness and richness, right where you are.
Following a calling be take the trail through a cubicle, to a factory floor, to a nurse’s station. A higher purpose can coexist with a whole host of jobs that make society function. God’s plan is to use your job – no matter what it is -- for his glory.There’s a word for that. It’s called “vocation.”
“Vocation” by itself doesn’t stand on its own. It often needs some context to make it understandable. Larry Hehn who writes at the fabulous In the Rough blog, describes seeking out vocation like I’ve never heard before.
The problem is that many of us ar headed in the right direction in our calling, but we’re just not making a impact.
Hehn explains it like this. I comes down to shoes. He observes that there are shoes made for running and others made for walking. Both serve a purpose, but walking shoes in particular are not made for running. They can be painful.
“Walking shoes were not made for running and trying to use them for running can be painful,” he writes.
He explains that if he needed to run to a location, he wouldn’t do it in his walking shoes. He’d make sure he would wear his running shoes.
“If God is calling us to something greater, we may need to abandon the familiar in order to get there,” he writes. “If you’re called to run, it’s time to get rid of your old familiar, comfortable walkers.”
These shoes weren’t made for walking.
Read the whole post here.
Post by Newsletter Editor David Rupert. Image credits to be found in the accompanying gallery.