Ruled By the Clock
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
In all my years in the work world, I’ve never had the luxury of a job that wasn’t ruled by the clock. Wages, productivity, and individual worth are all measured by the tick tock of time.
And it goes that way for everything else too. The seconds roll into minutes, hours into days, and weeks into years.
So time discipline should be a paramount tool. Sue Miley, at Christian Business Crossroads, asks, “Do You Manage Your Time or Does it Manage You?”
It’s a great question – and one that few of us could answer with confidence. Rare is the person that sits down and says, “It’s all done.” There are always more tasks to accomplish than the day allows.
Sue has a great analysis and some “timely” suggestions. For her, it all starts with taking 30 minutes at the beginning of each week to plan. “Let your ‘yes be yes’ and your ‘no be no’”, she reminds us. “ We need to keep the commitments we make.”
Read her whole post here.
Post by David Rupert. Photo by Claire Burge.