Rumors of Water: A Small Audience
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
Midway through college, I made what my son considers to be the biggest mistake of my life. I marched into the registrar’s office and declared a new major: political science. I murdered my writing dreams in their sleep. My son knows it. And he worries that a reasonably bright person could do something so stupid. I had my reasons. They even made sense at the time. But twenty-some years and a winding career path later, I work here in the shadows of my basement office to breathe new life into them.
Read more from Lyla Lindquist, over at TweetSpeak Poetry, by clicking here ...
Image by SEIER+SEIER. Used with permission. Sourced via Flickr. Post by Lyla Lindquist at TweetSpeak Poetry.
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Published by The High Calling, April 25, 2012.
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