
Saturday Night Live: Last Word on Finances

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
Lithuanian bill

Some believe money is the root of all evil; others believe evil comes from the lack of money. I'm not convinced either is true. Money certainly touches us, and we find that we're connected to those touches more than we care to admit. We might even say that the use of money correlates with our own well-being: when we're content, we give; when patient, we save; when desperate, we hoard; when insecure, we covet. But money, respected and wisely used, refrains from accepting undue credit.

Over the past month, we've published a series of articles on money and personal finance. For example, David Wheeler exhibited frustration in The Jungle Book. Cheryl Smith confessed relational strain in Till Money Do Us Part. Craig Goodwin remembered the Sabbath in Year of Plenty: First We Rest, even when he was short on vegetables.

Despite the quality of these angles and others, they could hardly address such a broad subject. Perhaps they at least called us to greater well-being and stewardship.

In February, we're turning our attention toward marriage in a Wednesday series called "I Do," which makes this last word about personal finance an appropriate one. You may have heard this last word. You may have laughed at it. Nevertheless, it remains a valuable—if not painfully obvious—bit of advice.

All Finance Series Entries

The Jungle Book, by David Wheeler

PhotoPlay: Budgeting Relationship in 2012, by Kelly Sauer

Year of Plenty: First We Rest, by Craig Goodwin

Promised Land Gone, by Sam Van Eman

Don't Buy This Jacket, by Howard Freeman

Till Money Do Us Part, by Cheryl Smith

Post by Sam Van Eman.