Simple Acts
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
Make a phone call. Grab a cup of coffee on the way to a meeting. Check email. Simple acts define a daily routine. Nothing extraordinary. But in the simplest actions and dailyness of routine, God is present. Unobtrusive, hidden perhaps, but present. And in the ordinary moments, it's the simplest of prayers that—over time—change our thinking, alter our perspective, and redirect our intentions.
God, I could use a little help here.
God, lead me, guide me, give me clear thinking in this decision.
God, I need the right words for this conversation.
God, whatever comes of this, let it be your will.
Simple acts combined with simple prayers, over time, transform who we are. Simple prayers invite the unseen presence of the Holy into the ordinary commute, routine meeting, strategic planning, difficult negotiation. Once we give God permission to guide, direct, change, or teach us, we never know where our simple acts might lead.
God, in today's ordinary moments, give me pause. Let me be mindful of your presence, willing to seek your leading, open to the subtle thought, word, or deed that makes a difference. Amen.
Most of the material on The High Calling is available for reuse under a Creative Commons 3.0 license. Unfortunately, work by Debra Klingsporn is not available for reuse. If you are interested in reprinting work by Debra Klingsporn, please contact her directly.