
Stop Waiting for God to Tell You What to Do With Your Life

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
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There are plenty of people working in jobs that just aren’t the right fit. Either the work isn’t in their skill set, their coworkers are difficult, or the vision of the employer is contrary to their values.

Justin Zoradi, writing for Don Miller’s Storyline Blog, talks about a friend who spent his days faithfully bussing tables. All the while, he was waiting for God’s call, sincerely believing there would be a sign, a voice or a clear indication of what his next step should be.

“I don’t think God works like that,” Zoradi writes. “Your purpose in life will never be written on the wall. And it will never be revealed to you in full.”

He moved into my personal space pretty quickly when he writes, “You want to do meaningful work? Stop sitting on your hands waiting for God to tell you what to do.”

I spent many years of my life with the belief that I had a great purpose, but only had a few hazy details. Waiting for clarity didn’t always work out, and the vision eventually faded.

“If you have a tiny twinge of passion toward anything, you have to jump right through it on your own,” Zoradi implores. “It is there that God will meet you.”

Read the full post here.

Post by Newsletter Editor David Rupert. Image credits to be found in the accompanying gallery.