
Vocation Is Mission

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
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It’s common among Christians (and even non-Christians) to distinguish between “sacred” and “secular.” But the distinction presents a danger, says the Washington Institute for Faith, Vocation & Culture – we come to see what we do on Sunday as vastly more important than what we do the rest of week, and especially the work week. What we do Monday through Friday is just as important to God as what we do on Sunday.

The Washington Institute, The Falls Church and New City Commons, and Trinity Presbyterian Church in Charlottesville, has been holding a series of four symposia on “Vocation is Mission,” to “learn, discuss and apply what the Bible has to say about our work and the mission of God, through the lenses of Creation-Fall-Redemption-Consummation.” Three of the discussions, led by the Rev. Bill Haley and Dr. Steve Garber, have been held; a fourth, “Our Work in the World to Come,” is scheduled for Dec. 14.

You can listen to the audio recordings and download the handouts for the three completed sessions by visiting the Washington Institute for Faith, Vocation & Culture.

Image by The Falls Church. Post by Contributing Editor Glynn Young.