What Does Outrageous Hospitality Look Like?
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
Network member Kristin Schell exudes warmth, joy, and hospitality. I'm privileged to call her "friend."
Kristin reminds me of John Hill, who just recently resigned from the position of Director at Laity Lodge Family Camp. Last fall, John told the High Calling editors that he felt the mission of LLFC was to provide "outrageous hospitality" to busy families. (Laity Lodge has that same unspoken mission, as well.)
If you've been to either place, you know that they both succeed--beyond your wildest expectations.
Kristin is blogging this month at her online home about what "outrageous hospitality" looks like. I encourage you to drop by, leave a comment, and watch the video on this post. (I promise, you won't regret it!)