
What drives me at work (unfortunately).

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
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I see a theme in my recent writing and because it wasn't planned I wonder why it's there. First, there are the two pieces about surrounding myself with fans who affirm me ("Is that my blanket, Linus?") and about dealing with inadequacies ("Not all I'm cracked up to be"). Then there's the post on my own blog about lower-case VS upper-case being a grammatical symptom of a spiritual need for identity ("Personal Brand Insecurity"). And today I want you to check out a podcast called "Faking Authenticity #2: When Wanting to Impress." Do you see the theme? They're all about insecurity. All of these have something to do with insecurity, which means all of these correlate with the inability to receive God's love. Now, I'm not a pessimist and I have nothing visibly in common with the hopeless Eeyore. But there are plenty of behaviors in my life that reflect a difficulty believing that God loves me. When I believe God loves me, I feel secure; when I don't, I feel insecure. And I'm convinced that all of my work and behavior decisions are influenced accordingly. I'll keep thinking and praying about this, but in the meantime, check out a recent podcast by Karl Edwards and Claudia Rempel who discuss how to impress without being driven by insecurity. There is no virtue in hiding one’s talent. Impressing people at work is a legitimate and necessary exercise in self-disclosure. There is a difference, though, between authentic self-disclosure that’s grounded in reality and flows from a place of personal security on the one hand, and what we are calling “faking it” in order to get the perception you want on the other. Listen to it here...