Why That Big Decision Can Wait Just One More Day
Blog / Produced by The High CallingOne of The High Calling network’s more interesting leadership bloggers is Mike St. Pierre who writes over at The Daily Saint.
His practical leadership tips are steeped in sensibility and maturity.
I was particurlay struck by a post, “Why You Should Wait 24 hours Before Your Next Decision.”
In leadership, we aren’t often told to wait. In fact, lightening quick decisions based on a rapid gathering and analysis of the facts is what the modern world often demands.
But Mike says that waiting is a good thing. “Stepping away when you're hot under the collar is advice that will never go out of style.”
He gives four reasons why you should wait:
- You can calm down.
- Your thoughts get clearer.
- You’re more like to make the right decision.
- You’ll have the opportunity to talk with wise people.
I encourage you to read the entire post at The Daily Saint. Read it today... or tomorrow.
Post by Newsletter Editor David Rupert. Image credits to be found in the accompanying gallery.