
Work that Transforms: What Is It?

Blog / Produced by The High Calling

God uses even the most mundane things we do in our vocations and transforms them into “Kingdom Work,” blogs Hugh Whelchel at the Institute for Faith, Work, and Economics site.

I believe that in my head, but it’s difficult to get it into my heart. From July 2010 to May 2012, I worked at a non-profit which--among other things--resettled refugees. Every day I learned something about the resilience of the human spirit, and how much I have to be thankful for.

Currently, I live in a different town, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to write from home and serve my family. However, it's hard to see my current work as just-as-crucial to God's kingdom as the two years I spent with the “least of these.” Now, instead of heading up school supply drives and giving out clothes, I help my kids with homework, blog, buy groceries, clean toilets, and sing in my church choir.

Whelchel understands my struggle. “It is certainly easier to see your work as being important to God if you are a researcher finding a cure for cancer, or a relief worker helping to stamp out malaria in Africa.” he says. “But the labor of the night janitor who cleans up your office, as a Christian, is just as important to God as all the others. Consider the story of the ‘Widow’s Mite’ found in Mark 12:41-44. It is not how much she gave that was important, but the attitude of her heart. Likewise it is not the work we do, but the attitude we have while we are doing the work.”

Read more here.

Post by Dena Dyer. Image by Christian Jones. Used by permission.