Working in the Spirit: May 16 Newsletter
Newsletter / Produced by The High Calling
We celebrate the gifts of the Holy Spirit this Pentecost Sunday. But what happens on Monday? Does the Holy Spirit gift us for work beyond Sunday? And how can you use your gifts? Let these words spark your inspiration today.
Should We Take the Holy Spirit to Work?
From The High Calling
For much of my life, I left the Holy Spirit at the front door of my office. Two people have helped me realize I was wrong.
Natural Gifts from the Spirit
From The High Calling
The Holy Spirit gives talents in many areas including art, athletics, leadership, and all manner of manual work.
God’s Kingdom Witnesses in Daily Life
From the Theology of Work Project
One of the first patterns of human life to be reconstituted by Pentecost is the manner by which Christians manage their power and possessions.