Community Post: How to Fire Someone With Dignity
Blog / Produced by The High CallingSome people are just not good fits. No matter how much training they have or how hard they try, it just isn’t a good match. But is there such a thing as a good firing?
Angela Hough blogs over at the Journey of Kingdom Business and she and her husband own a business. Recently, they had to let someone go.
“I don’t care how many times I’ve had to walk an employee through this process, it’s just not simple,” she writes.
But the couple don’t just fire people. They transition them to other careers. “We didn’t want to just propel her out, fending for herself, but to support her and give her confidence.”
They help them identify their skills as they move to another career.
Have you ever been fired for your own good? Read what Angela says here.
Post by David Rupert.