
Work Vs. Life: May 31 Newsletter

Newsletter / Produced by The High Calling
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We live in an age when it seems everyone is equally discombobulated, indiscriminately perplexed about how to order a good life. Work-life balance seems to be the catch-all answer.

But balance has its limits as a framework for living a faithful life. God longs to make all things new, to make us new. The path to newness is usually a bit more counterintuitive, a bit more off-kilter, than a smooth and balanced ride.

Check out our 9-day devotional and our small group study on the topic of work-life balance. And read on to see how some of your friends have worked on making their work and their life work together.

Work-Life Balance vs. Work-Rest Ratio

From The High Calling

My life cannot be neatly divided into the parts that are “work” and the parts that are “life.” Read more

Should We Really Talk in Terms of Work-Life Balance?

From The High Calling

I am convinced that our conversation about work, life, and play would be enriched—and be more enriching—if we saw work, alongside rest and play, as an essential element of our life. Read more

3 Reasons to Practice Sabbath Rest

From the Theology of Work Project

Since we are created in God’s image, we are to obey limits in our work. Read more