
Seasons of Work: Winter (December 6 Newsletter)

Newsletter / Produced by The High Calling
Frozen berries red fruits 64705

The days grow shorter, the skies grow darker, and cold and snow plague our commutes. Just as we feel the physical change of the season, a winter mood can settle on our work too. This week, our writers give advice on how to endure winter and even transform the work days ahead. Get warm and read on.

Growing Through an Economic Winter

From The High Calling

Winter is an inhospitable climate where little can grow. Does that describe your workplace? Are you in an economic winter?

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What’s Your Spiritual Latitude?

From The High Calling

Some birds flee cold climates in the winter, while others stay and huddle together. Do you have the spiritual conditioning to change the climate around you?

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Perseverance, Wisdom, and Spiritual Growth

From the Theology of Work Project

Just like the arrival of winter, trials come upon us whether we like it or not. You can endure these seasons, gain wisdom, and grow spiritually.

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