Father, Be with Those Facing Redundancy. Lead Us out from Darkness (Prayer)
Prayer / Produced by partner of TOW
Lord, we pray for your Church:
for those who lead us...
for those who teach us...
for all who break bread with us...
Help those of us who are unemployed
to share with those in work
in the struggle for justice
for all men and women.
Lead us out from darkness
to walk as children of light.
We pray for our national leaders...
for those who advise them...
for the leaders of industry and commerce...
for writers and broadcasters...
May they work together
to strengthen the weak
and empower the powerless.
Lead us from darkness
to walk as children of light.
Father, be with all of us who are in work...
those facing redundancy...
those in training...
those whose work is unpaid, or undervalued...
and those without a job...
May we support and love one another
as Christ loves and values us.
Lead us out of darkness
to walk as children of light.
Father, we pray for the casualties of our economy...
for those whose work is monotonous...
for those poorly paid...
for those suffering discrimination...
for unemployed people and their families...
for those living in poverty...
for those who are homeless...
for those who are ill...
for those in despair...
Help us reject the notion that some have the right to wealth
at the expense of others.
Lead us out from darkness
to walk as children of light.
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Table of Contents
- Prayer Material About Work for Church Services
- Intercessions About Work
- Father, Be with Those Facing Redundancy. Lead Us out from Darkness (Prayer)
Image by Sean Hoyer / Flickr . Used with Permission.
Excerpted from “Work in Worship (Revised edition 1997): A collection of material for those compiling ‘work theme’ services. Compiled and edited by David Welbourn, Industrial Christian Fellowship. Used by permission. The Theology of Work Project does not control copyright for this material.